How to add Bling to any room with a Custom Area Rug

Hard surface, such as hardwood, laminate, ceramic or porcelain tile, natural stone and vinyl have become the go to flooring of choice for homeowners. Area rugs add the finishing touch to any room and bring a softness to the area that hard surface cannot provide.

Area rugs are a great way to…

  • Expand or elongate space
  • Change the feeling of a room
  • Add a pop of color
  • Create a focal point
  • Add welcome cushioning
  • Muffle sounds of foot traffic
  • Create fun play space for kids

Custom does not mean expensive. Custom means you choose what works best for your décor - size, color, pattern, shape, binding style...

There is a lot to consider when choosing a custom area rug and Carpet & Tile Warehouse is here to help. We are located in Vero Beach, and only a few minutes from Fort Pierce and Sebastian.

First, determine the rooms where you would like to add a new area rug. Not all rugs need to be of identical shape, size or color to make your room look interesting.

Second, plan a visit to Carpet & Tile Warehouse. Be sure to bring a picture of your room(s) and any items you are trying to match, enhance or coordinate your area rug with. These items include paint swatches and pillows, cushions or fabric swatches.

Third, know your shapes and sizes. Are you looking for round, square, rectangle, oval? Perhaps a runner for a hallway. Will your furniture rest entirely on the area rug? When sitting at your dining room table, do you want your chairs on the area rug?

Fourth, select any broadloom carpet in our showroom (or a remnant from our warehouse). We will order exactly what you need and bind the edges to your exact specifications. Choose from standard poly binding, linen, cotton or canvas binding or serging. If you have a favorite piece of fabric, we can create a beautiful tapestry binding.

Remember to add an area rug pad under your custom area rug. These pads offer protection between the area rug and the flooring it is placed on top of and will also prevent your area rugs from slipping and sliding.